Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Namewee 黄明志

I was in the car having this conversation with my dad, regarding Namewee 黄明志. His actions, his videos, and stuffs, and how we all sees it.

We both agree that we don't know whats with the on-going craze of Namewee and his videos.

It is true that he is one of the sharpest and most outspoken person of this nation, that speaks about certain issues that is happening; expresses his thoughts in words without any hold-backs; amazingly he is the best at what he does.

I do not totally disagree with the opinions, thoughts, POVs, and messages he delivered through his songs and videos, but raising the awareness by not looking things from different angles? That is just wrong, hombre from Muar.

The video of him confronting the people at TNB is just outrageous and irrational. How many times does people have to remind him that it's a BREAKDOWN not a SHUT-DOWN. And of course! TNB have to have emergency backup power for their facilities. Otherwise, who's going to light you up when thing goes wrong?
His actions were moronical to the max.

What I personally thought was, if he wants to raise the awareness of certain issues like racial discriminations, he should alert, then suggest what kind of actions should be taken. Since a lot of people are on his side, I'm pretty sure there are people behind who can actually 'walk his talk' (people with 'powers'), cuz he couldn't do a thing with his present status.

The way he do things is not bringing the whole nation together, instead its tearing our nation apart at some extent; it's not bringing the people and the government together to work out a solution to solve problematic issues; it's not helping especially when everybody sang along his songs, oompa loompa nobody is thinking of a way out to solve the probs! He enrages and advocates people, people are aware of the issues, and people got angry and... and then what? Nothing! But a bunch of government-haters who can't do a wee bit of thing.

So people, your awareness has been WELL-RAISED by Namewee, is anyone going to suggest a solution and work things out? His actions has got to be related to something more constructive, or else it'd be a laughing stock. I don't know, I could imagine words like 'Malaysians are singing their country to its worst and they are still the same the next day when they woke up, losers.'

This is a random thoughts regarding the Malaysian YouTube Hero, Namewee and his actions.

No offense to all the supporters out there, good night, and wake up for a beautiful 1Malaysia Day tomorrow.

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