Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day-13, 2010

It's the 3rd week of the new semester...

So much had happened, nothing unfortunate until yesterday: James accidentally scratched the car, but he is okay, not hurt. Not so long after I was informed what happened to James's car, Jill was hit by a super-bike while driving across the lights. She suffers slight concussion, was worried sick! Sent her for MRI scan earlier today, turns out to be okay, but doc ask her to go back again 2 weeks later. I'm still worried, but now that she's smiling and is able to accuse me of finishing all her cashew nuts, I won't worry that much. Baby you are and you will be fine, because I said so.

So far there are already 3 people that I know met with car accidents recently. Firstly it was my regular performing vocalist partner, Pinkie. She parked her car, and somebody banged the back of the car and ran off. The whole bumper fell off, the trunk's lock seems to be broken as well. A hit-n-run. While James and Jill, as mentioned above.

But now that everybody's okay, make it stay that way!

Apart from the series of unfortunate events, this is what I do:

Reports, tutorials, assignments, it's calculator and Google again, people.

And the as-usual laboratory sessions...
Claire was kind enough to pose for the shot and here it is...
and it's cheerful. Very.

Ambassador of Environmental Technology, Claire Su.
Oh bright smile, Claire.
I mean it!

Alright, I'm gonna go off. Gonna perform at Station1 later.
Good evening to whoever that reads this, and myself.

The weather is:
It's not cool to be hot.

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